庚午の家 House in Kengo
This residence for a couple is located along the Ota River in Hiroshima Prefecture. The site is bordered by a 4m wide road on the east side and houses on the other three sides.

While securing parking space for three cars, the living space was planned to be as far away from the ground surface as possible. The large opening on the east side of the building brings in ample natural light, and the design diffuses the light and blocks the line of sight.

The difference in floor level allows each room to share the space, and the rooms are located in an expansive manner.
- 竣工 2007.09
- 建築地 広島県
- 用途 専用住宅
- 撮影 富士スタジオ 下川高広
- Completion 2007.09
- Building site Hiroshima
- Principal use private residence
- Photo Takahiro Shimokawa