wooden secret base -木製秘密基地-
我々はこの器を「wooden secret base -木製秘密基地- 」と呼ぶことにした。
We call this vessel "wooden secret base.
This two-story steel-framed building in the center of downtown Takamatsu is a vessel as a residence for a single person. The client asked us to propose a Showa-style, avant-garde space reminiscent of the set of the TV drama "The Wounded Angel.

Just as the main character lives a freewheeling life in a penthouse, we felt that this residence should be a vessel that can tolerate freedom and ruggedness. Only the kitchen and the water supply necessary for the functionality of the house are set in place, and only the layout of the furniture is used to live freely. Steel construction was chosen to create a space large enough to allow for this way of living. A huge atrium, which occupies one-fourth of the total space, was placed to create a huge one-room space that connects the first and second floors without partitions.

Much of the interior is exposed structure, and the floor walls are made of mortar, creating a rugged atmosphere. Wooden planks were applied to the exterior to create a playful appearance.

On the first floor, the LDK, water area, and garage are located, and the glass-walled garage is integrated with the living space.

The second floor is a private zone with a bedroom and a second living room that can be seen from every corner of the room.

Many vintage furniture and pendant lights were placed in the interior.
Combined with the rugged interior space, entering the house creates the illusion of stepping back in time and entering another world.
- 竣工 2020.8
- 建築地 香川県高松市
- 用途 専用住宅
- 構造 鉄骨造2階建
- 撮影 北村徹写真事務所 北村徹
- Completion 2020.8
- Building site Takamatsu, Kagawa
- Principal use private residence
- Structure Steel framed, 2 stories
- Photo Toru Kitamura