Kosaka Town is located in the western part of Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture. It is a mountain town with deep greenery and numerous ruins from the Jomon and Yayoi periods, including the Mishiro burial mound.

This building is a private residence planned on a mountainous land development site. The westernmost edge of the housing site, with a high mountain rising in the east, is secured. Terraced rice paddies extend to the southwest of the site, which is blessed with abundant nature and excellent sunlight. The building is a simple rectangular box-shaped structure designed to allow flexible room layouts for the future of the family.
In order to keep fresh air circulating inside the building, the main structure is raised off the ground by a concrete foundation, and two courtyards are placed inside the building. The wind flows effectively by securing a path, and the appropriate ventilation to the outdoors keeps the air inside the building fresh.

The LDK, where the majority of the day is spent, faces the terraced rice paddies, allowing the residents to enjoy the view outside the windows. The courtyard is also open to allow the first light of the morning to enter the house. Wooden panels are used abundantly on the exterior walls. We wanted to create a rustic look that blends in with the surrounding landscape, while providing sufficient durability in the external environment.

PLEASANT WOODEN BOX ~たのしい木箱~は極めて「シンプルな快適」を提案している。頑強な構造体と適切な通風・採光の確保によって住まいの土台を構築。「暮らし方」は、ご家族の未来~その時々に適応できる自由性を謳歌していただきたい。大きな木箱の内部を仕切ったり開いたりしながら、暮らしの中での工夫や発見を楽しんでいただけたら幸いである。
PLEASANT WOODEN BOX ~Toyoshii no kibako (Pleasant wooden box)" proposes "simple comfort. The foundation of the house is built on a sturdy structure and adequate ventilation and lighting. The "way of living" is the future of your family - we want you to enjoy the freedom of being able to adapt to each moment. We hope that you will enjoy the ingenuity and discovery in your daily life as you partition and open the interior of the large wooden box.
- 竣工 2014.12
- 建築地 広島県三原市
- 用途 専用住宅
- 構造 木造平屋建
- 面積 97.29㎡
- 撮影 富士スタジオ 下川高広
- Completion 2014.12
- Building site Mihara , Hiroshima
- Principal use private residence
- Structure Wooden one-story house
- Floor area 97.29㎡
- Photo Takahiro Shimokawa