野神の家 ~SORA~ House of Nogami ~SORA~
This is a house with a store in Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture. A gable roof was selected in consideration of the weather conditions in the Hokuriku region and snow accumulation in winter, and the first-floor beauty salon was designed to allow light to circulate throughout the interior by lighting from underfoot.

In addition, the entrance hall and the atrium courtyard space are connected to the retail space in order to maintain a sense of distance from the neighboring residences.

While ensuring efficient flow lines, the courtyard space was designed to have the effect of switching scenes, thereby enhancing the workability and independence of the beauty salon.

- 竣工 2012.11
- 建築地 福井県敦賀市
- 用途 店舗併用住宅
- 構造 木造2階建
- 面積 140.85㎡
- 撮影 Nacasa & Partners
- Completion 2012.11
- Building site Tsuruga City, Fukui
- Principal use Houses with stores
- Structure Wooden 2 stories
- Floor area 140.85㎡
- Photo Nacasa & Partners