The site is located close to the center of Fukuyama City, with a small mountain rich in nature as its neighbor. Across the road from the site is a park, which is full of greenery despite its location in the city.

The owner originally operated a beauty salon in a different location, but when he relocated his store, he wanted to change the conventional concept of a beauty salon and make it one that integrates with nature to attract users in the suburbs.

On sunny days, visitors can enjoy tea and reading on the wooden deck, and in the salon, they can have their hair cut while letting the natural wind blow inside. The concept of this building is to create a space with a mix of Japanese taste and the image of a villa in a forest in New Zealand.

The interior layout of the store allows for flexible location changes, and many of the fixtures are custom-made. The fittings facing the wooden deck are fully open, making it possible to cut hair outdoors. The salon, where one can hear the birds chirping, feel the wind blowing through, and experience the four seasons, will bring a completely new concept to the beauty industry.

The only fixed equipment is a shampoo table, and a large bookshelf separates the cutting space from the shampoo space. The most vulnerable time in a beauty salon is the shampooing time. For this reason, the shampooing process is not visible from inside the salon.

In keeping with the concept of being one with nature, the floor is naturally made of solid wood, creating a natural space. Users visiting this hair salon will be enveloped by the coziness of the space and the comfort of having their hair cut.
- 竣工 2023.03
- 建築地 広島県福山市
- 用途 美容院
- 構造 木造平屋建
- 面積 142.5㎡
- 撮影 富士スタジオ 下川高広
- Completion 2023.03
- Building site Fukuyama, Hiroshima
- Principal use beauty salon
- Structure Single-storied wooden house
- Floor area 142.5㎡
- Photo Fuji Studio Takahiro Shimokawa