This house, which exists in a quiet residential area in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture, is a one-story, wooden, purpose-built house with a large swimming pool and deep eaves in the garden. The house with deep eaves is characterized by a design that invites wind into the room and blocks sunlight in the summer to protect the indoor environment. In addition, the length of the eaves is calculated based on the altitude of the sun at the summer and winter solstices to allow sunlight in during the winter.

The living room overlooking the pool is planned with large wooden sliding doors to integrate the interior and exterior. The ceiling retains the strong form of the structural material and utilizes the structural form as part of the ceiling design.

- 竣工 2016.10
- 建築地 愛媛県今治市
- 用途 専用住宅
- 構造 木造平屋建
- 面積 180.35㎡
- 撮影 富士スタジオ 下川高広
- Completion 2016.10
- Building site Imabari City, Ehime
- Principal use private residence
- Structure Wooden one-story house
- Floor area 180.35㎡
- Photo Takahiro Shimokawa