都-あけぼの- AKEBONO
This project was based on the owner's grand concept of creating a restaurant that would "energize Japan" and "practice the best hospitality in Japan.
The site of over 1,000 m2 in Akebono-cho, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, was overgrown with existing trees facing the road. In response to the owner's request to preserve the trees that had grown with the previous store, we proposed an architecture that would allow the customers to enjoy the seasonal changes of the trees from inside the store.

The layout plan was verified based on the sufficient site area, and it was determined that there would be no impact on the convenience of access.
The parking lot is located at the rear of the building. This allows the building to be seen from the main road surrounded by trees, and the approach from the parking lot to the entrance offers many scenic views.
The building's exterior atmosphere is adjusted by existing trees and new plantings to cover it.


For a restaurant, the interior space has a great influence on the food served. In order to complement the beautiful dishes created by the season, it was necessary to create a space that would offer fresh surprises to the guests who visit the restaurant. To this end, we created openings of various sizes and positions in each seating area, so that the plants around the perimeter can be seen from inside the room. The view, cut out like a single painting, gives each seating area its own character. The grounded part of the plant, the strong trunk, and the lush foliage give a sense of vitality. Depending on the position of the viewer, the plant's body has its own unique charm. In addition, four courtyards are located on the second floor, facing the corridor, providing a change in the line of flow. The passageway from the entrance to the seating area is lined with lava stones from Fuji. This was inspired by the fact that the lava stones are used for cooking the dishes served. The design of the restaurant is inspired by the fact that the lava stones are used in the preparation of the dishes served.

The many natural materials used in this building change their appearance with the passage of time. This is the depth and flavor of the ingredients, and it is an important part of the potential charm that is the foundation of this restaurant. We hope that the building will grow and develop with life, contributing to the "history to be inherited and passed on," which is the heart of the restaurant.
- 竣工 2014.11
- 建築地 広島県福山市
- 用途 店舗
- 構造 鉄骨造2階建
- 面積 689.44㎡
- 撮影 富士スタジオ 下川高広
- Completion 2014.11
- Building site Fukuyama, Hiroshima
- Principal use store
- Structure Steel framed, 2 stories
- Floor area 689.44㎡
- Photo Takahiro Shimokawa