リズム&プラムツリー RHYTHM and Plum tree
The property is a private residence in Shizuoka Prefecture. The site is surrounded by a 4-meter road on the east side, and is blessed with a natural environment of rice fields. The site is long from east to west and relatively spacious. The layout plan for this building started with the planting of a "plum tree" on the west side of the site.

建物は、2階部分を主な「生活の場」として平面・断面計画を行っている。 1階には、寝室など特にプライバシーを守る事の必要な部屋を配し、2階は家族の集まるリビングダイニングを中心としたワンルームのスケルトン空間である。3段のスキップ階段とガラス張りの中庭を配置する事により、リビングとダイニングキッチンを無理なくゾーニング。どこにいても家族の気配を感じられながら、各々の過ごし方にも自由性を持つことが出来る。
The second floor of the building is the main "living space," and is planned in plan and section. The first floor is a one-room skeleton space centering on the living and dining rooms where the family gathers. The living room and dining room/kitchen are effortlessly zoned by the three-step skipped staircase and the glass-walled courtyard. The living room, dining room, and kitchen are zoned without difficulty by placing a three-step skipped staircase and a glass-walled courtyard.

The courtyard brings a gentle essence of openness and division to the building. The arrangement of the windows has both a comfort effect, such as ventilation and lighting, and a visual rhythm effect. The light and illumination, especially from inside and outside, are important. The "light spilling indoors" and the "light spilling outdoors" play their respective roles to the fullest during the day and night.

Natural light taken indoors makes life healthy and comfortable. At night, the lighting adds color to the relaxing time, and the outdoor view is also very atmospheric. The "efficacy of light and lighting," which brings about various pleasant sensations, was also considered a necessary element in this building.

Of particular note is the large opening on the west side of the building. From here, one can view the plum trees that were relocated and planted. Ume trees have a long life span and are a typical flowering tree that heralds the spring in Japan, and they have a rich expression until their leaves fall in the fall. We are sure that the family who lives here will continue to weave "time" together with the seasonal beauty of the area.

- 竣工 2012.12
- 建築地 静岡県
- 用途 専用住宅
- 撮影 Nacasa&Partners
- Completion 2012.12
- Building site Shizuoka
- Principal use private residence
- Photo Nacasa&Partners