Buildings that maximize the power of nature are very rational. Soil that can be inferred from sunlight, wind flow, and inhabiting plants. Originally, the nature of the place cannot be easily changed by human hands, but rather it is possible to coexist with the land by snuggling up to it reasonably. Only after fully understanding it can you think of a design that will enhance the functionality of the building. Also, a deep consideration of the compatibility of the environment with building materials and design creates a sustainable building.
Sustainability is also the durability of the building itself, and it is not just robust or beautiful in texture. First of all, it is basic to select the material that suits the climatic conditions. Furthermore, it is only with the attachment of the people who spend there to the building that the consciousness of daily care and the turning point of the passage of time is born. All historic buildings continue to be carefully maintained by human hands. In addition, the time when pillars stand on the building, roofs and walls are attached, and so-called “physical vessels” are completed is not complete. People’s lives begin there, and the building lives on. And it is nurtured and matured by human hands.

In a sense, “cleanliness” is required for buildings that are attached to people’s hearts. Architecture also has an artistic aspect in building a building in the first place. The pursuit of artistry may be preceded by the will of the architect, which may not be able to find a compromise in the real lifestyle. On the contrary, it is also true that that intention is a wonderful aspect of architecture from an artistic point of view. However, as mentioned above, the building with the main purpose of “living people” must be in the hands of the customer and must be able to mature by the customer’s hands. We believe that the space in which each person who lives there can draw a life design while fulfilling the aesthetics is the “cleanliness” that we think of, and that it can enhance the sustainability of the building in combination with the physical structure.

Powerful and tasty architecture is created by resonating with people’s feelings as well as multifaceted consideration for the environment and detailed structural planning. That is the guideline of architecture that we are aiming for, and it can be said that it is the “ideal way of building” that we continue to pursue every day. 代表河口 佳介

- 1967年 広島生まれ
- 1990年 福山大学工学部建築学科卒業
- 1990年 (株)鈴木工務店設計部勤務
- 1999年 K2-DESIGN Inc.設立
- 2005年 穴吹専門学校 非常勤講師
- 2006年 日本建築家協会(JIA)正会員
- 2010年 河口佳介 + K2-DESIGN 設立
- 2009年 JIA現代日本の建築家優秀建築選5
- 2009年 グッドデザイン賞受賞
- 2011年 BARBARA CAPPOCHIN 国際ビエンナーレ2011 優秀作品賞
- 2013年 グッドデザイン賞受賞
- 2014年 住まいの環境デザイン・アワード2014 暮らしデザイン部門 モダンリビング賞受賞
- 2018年 ASIA PACIFIC PROPERTY AWARDS 2018 Architecture Single Residence 部門 5スター受賞
- 2013年 BARBARA CAPPOCHIN 国際ビエンナーレ2013 一般・環境 優秀作品選出
- 2014年 JIA現代日本の建築家優秀建築選9
- 2017年 ASIA PACIFIC PROPERTY AWARDS 2017 Architecture Single Residence 部門 入選
- 2021年 日本文教出版より発刊される全国中学美術2.3年の教科書に「大山のゲストハウス-森の隙間-」掲載